martes, 17 de marzo de 2015



 Salida el 18 de Mayo 2015
El programa en sí mismo, está lleno de visitas que darán plena satisfacción a nuestros pasajeros, no hemos omitido nada, sino todo lo contrario, las actividades más notorias de cada lugar han sido incluidas y los guias serán los mejores en cada país.
Transportaremos a los viajeros en buses nuevos de lujo con todas las comodidades y nos hospedaremos en hoteles de cinco estrellas y primera clase.
Tendremos incluidas las tres comidas diarias, asi la gente podrá disfrutar de los diferentes tipos de alimento de cada país, degustando lo mejor de cada lugar y en restaurantes seleccionados.Todas las visitas están incluidas, según el programa con la descripción del dia por dia.
Y lo más importante de todo !!! habrán 3 conciertos diferentes de Piero y su orquesta.

Uno en el Cairo, uno en Amman y el tercero en Jerusalem, incluida su entrada para nuestros viajeros. Durante los dias de viaje habrán charlas con Piero acerca de muchos temas de actualidad, ¨cómo imponer la belleza y el amor en nuestras vidas¨
Habrán conferencias sobre la mística y lo desconocido de cada país, sus creencias, su fe, sus costumbres. Tendremos la posibilidad de participar del conocimiento de la Cábala en la ciudad de Safed, una meditación junto a las pirámides de Egipto y relajación mental en Petra.
Cada participante recibirá una caja de madera con tres discos CD de los tres conciertos que se realizarán a lo largo del viaje.
Será un viaje único que dejará huella en todo los que participemos en él.
14 noches – 15 días

Salida el 18 de Mayo 2015

Día 1: SALIDA de su ciudad de origen.
Vuelo con destino al Cairo.
Día 2: CAIRO; 19 mayo 2015.
Llegada al aeropuerto de Cairo. Asistencia y traslado al hotel. Según la hora de llegada cena.
Dia 3: CAIRO
Desayuno. Salida hacia Menfis, Sakara, antigua capital del bajo Egipto donde veremos lo que se considera la pirámide  más antigua del mundo y la antigua necrópolis. Continuaremos a visitar  las Grandes Pirámides de Giza, Keops, Kefren y Micerinos el único remanente que queda de las 7 maravillas del antiguo mundo, el Templo del Valle y la Esfinge. Almuerzo y continuaremos vía la Ciudad de los Muertos al Bazar de Khan El Khalili. Traslado al hotel. Cena y alojamiento.
Día 4: CAIRO.
Desayuno. En la mañana visitaremos el impresionante museo egipcio en el que veremos entre otras cosas el tesoro de la tumba de Tut Ank Amón, más otros tantos tesoros egipcios. Almuerzo. Seguiremos hacia la Ciudadela, la Mezquita de Mohamed Ali, la Ciudad Vieja, la Sinagoga Ben Ezra, la Iglesia de El Moallakah (colgante). Por la noche CONCIERTO DE PIERO en la ciudad de las Pirámides, CAIRO. Cena y alojamiento.
Desayuno. Salida de Cairo hacia el canal de Suez. Al cruzarlo estaremos dejando el continente africano para entrar en el asiático. Almuerzo en ruta. Atravesaremos el desierto del Sinaí hasta llegar junto al Monte Sinaí, donde Moisés recibió las Tablas de la Ley, la Tora. A los pies del Monte, junto al monasterio de Santa Catalina nos quedaremos a pasar la noche y a las dos de la mañana los que asi quieran podrán subir a pie o en camello a la cima del Monte y ver el amanecer desde allí. Cena y alojamiento en hotel.
Por la mañana, regreso del Monte para quien haya subido y desayuno, tiempo para ducha y salida rumbo al puerto de Nuewa sobre el Mar Rojo. Almuerzo. Por la tarde cruzaremos el mar en catamarán llegando al puerto de Aqaba en Jordania, traslado a Petra. Llegada al hotel, cena y alojamiento.
Dia 7: PETRA – AMÁN.
Desayuno. Petra, la ciudad rosada, antigua capital de los Nabateos, esculpida en la roca rosa. Visitaremos estas maravillosas ruinas, y por un espectacular desfiladero llegaremos a la famosa sala del tesoro ‘El khaze’, veremos sus edificios y el teatro romano. Almuerzo. Por la tarde seguiremos por el antiguo camino Real, pasando por la tierra de los Edomitas y de los Moabitas hasta llegar a la tierra de los Amonitas y la ciudad de Amán. Llegada al hotel, cena y alojamiento.
Por la mañana, luego del desayuno, haremos una visita panorámica de la ciudad y saldremos en dirección al monte Nebo, desde donde Moisés observó la Tierra Prometida antes que el pueblo entre a ella, guiados por Josué. En la ciudad de Madaba veremos el mapa más antiguo de Jerusalem hecho por los Bizantinos en mosaico en la iglesia ortodoxa de San George. Almuerzo. Regreso a Aman descanso y por la noche: CONCIERTO DE PIERO en la ciudad blanca de AMAN. Cena y alojamiento en el hotel.
Desayuno y salida en dirección norte a visitar la ciudad de la Decápolis Romana, Jerasa, en ella encontraremos sus calles del Cardo Máximo y De cumana, el odeón y el teatro que nos permitirán transportarnos en el tiempo y sentirnos dos mil años atrás. Continuaremos hacia la frontera de ‘Sheikh Hussein’. Entrada a Israel y traslado a Tiberíades junto al mar de Galilea. Arribo al hotel. Acomodación, cena y alojamiento.
Desayuno. En la mañana haremos una travesía en barco por el mar de Galilea. Llegaremos a Cafarnaúm donde se encuentran los restos de la antigua sinagoga y la casa de Pedro. Seguiremos a Tabgha, hermoso lugar que conmemora el milagro de la multiplicación de los panes y los peces. Primado de Pedro a las orillas del lago, lugar donde fue la pesca milagrosa. Subiremos por el camino al monte de las Bienaventuranzas donde escucharemos el Sermon de la Montaña y tendremos un tiempo de meditacion y re – encuentro con nuestro ser interior, que nos permitira comprender y asimilar las palabras que alli escuchemos. Almuerzo y continuacion a Nazaret, donde Jesus paso su infancia, visitaremos la basilica de la Anunciacion lugar deonde se guardan los restos de la casa donde Maria recibio el mensaje que le trajo el Arcangel Gabriel. De regreso a Tiberias veremos Cana de Galilea, donde Jesus realizo el milagro de convertir el aghua en vino en las bodas a las que estaba invitado junto a su madre. Llegada al hotel cena y alojamiento.
Desayuno y salida al sur del lago donde renace el rio Jordan, lugar que recuerda el bautismo de Jesus en sus aguas. Seguiremos al Monte Tabor, para subir en Taxi a su cima y desde esta panoramica magnifica re vivir la transfiguracion de cada uno de nosotros y con una meditacion sobre la trasendencia del cuerpo vivir una experiencia unica en este lugar lleno de paz y armonia. Almuerzo. Seguiremos rumbo al Mar Muerto, el lugar mas bajo de la tierra, llegada cena y alojamiento.
Desayuno. Tiempo libre para disfrutar de las especiales aguas del mar Muerto, rico en minerales. Visitaremos Masada, último baluarte de los judíos en su lucha contra la ocupación romana. Almuerzo y visita de Qumran de los Escenios donde se escrivieron los manuscritos del Mar Muerto. A traves del desierto de Judea subiremos a la ciudad Santa de Jerusalem. Vista de la ciudad desde el Monte de los Olivos y traslado al hotel. Cena y alojamiento.
Desayuno. Regresando al Monte de los Olivos visitaremos la iglesia del Padre Nuestro y los restos del lugar de la ascencion de Jesus al cielo. Bajaremos caminando el monte y visitaremos la iglesia de Dominus Flevit donde el Señor lloro por la ciudad de Jerusalem, continuaremos el descenso hasta el huerto de Getsemani y la Basilica de la Agonia, veremos la gruta del prendimiento y la tumba de la Virgen Maria. Almuerzo. Por la tarde recorreremos el Monte Sion donde se encuentra la sala de la ultima cena de Jesus, el Cenaculo, la tumba del Rey David y la abadia de la Dormicion de la Virgen Maria.  Regreso al hotel cena y alojamiento.
Desayuno. Por la mañana partiremos a Belen, donde visitaremos la gruta y la Basilica de la Natividad, podremos visitar el Campo de los Pastores, tendremos una comida tipica Palestina y visitaremos una tienda de artesanias Betlemita.
Por la tarde iremos al museo de Israel donde veremos una maqueta de la ciudad de Jerusalem desde los dias del Rey David, Jesus y hasta sus ultimas reconstrucciones, luego veremos el museo del Holocausto que recuerda la Segunda Guerra Mundial y desde las ventanas del autobus veremos el Parlamento de Israel.
Desayuno. A primera hora saldremos a visitar la explanada del Templo donde se encuentran las mezquitas de Omar y Al Aksa, veremos el muro Oxidental, tambien conocido como el Muro de los Lamentos y por las calles de la antigua ciudad recorreremos la Via Dolorosa con sus estaciones hasta llegar al Santo Sepulcro y el Golgota.
Almuerzo y tarde libre, para descanso o paseo de forma individual.
Por la noche concierto final de PIERO y cena de despedida. 
Dia 16: SALIDA; 02 junio 2015
Desayuno y traslado al aeropuerto segun la hora de salida de cada pais.
Precio por persona en habitación DOBLE USD $3,499.00
·         14 noches de hotel. En hoteles de 5 y 4 estrellas.
·         Desayuno, almuerzo y cena diarios.
·         Guía profesional de habla hispana en cada país.
·         Autobuses nuevos de lujo en cada país.
·         Entradas a los lugares de visita según itinerario.
·         Acompañamiento durante todo el recorrido de responsables de la organización.
·         Acompañamiento durante todo el recorrido de Piero y su orquesta.
·         Tres conciertos de Piero en los tres países a visitar.
·         Regalos, sombrero y mapas de cada de cada país.
·         Impuestos y tasas en hoteles y restaurantes.
·         Propinas a maleteros, guias y choferes durante todo el recorrido.
·         Una caja de madera con tres discos CD de Piero
· Visados y tasas de fronteras.
· Bebidas en los alimentos.
· Seguro de viaje.
· Llamadas telefónicas.  
· Cualquier servicio particular no indicado en el programa.
. Porción aérea.


Rome & Assisi
October 12 to 21, 2015
$3,779.00 PER PERSON*
Depart Detroit DTW Airport or
Depart New York JFK Airport
Air Available from your Home City
 *Prices are per person, based on double occupancy and include mandatory Airfare Taxes and Fees

Enjoy an overnight flight with meals served aboard the aircraft.
Day 2: ROME
Upon arrival at the Rome Airport the group will be transferred by deluxe motorcoach to the hotel.  En route to the hotel, enjoy a panoramic sightseeing tour from your motorcoach of some of the other important sights of Rome, including the Palazzo Venezia, the Circus Maximus, the Forum, the Arch of Constantine and the Colosseum.  Balance of the day is at leisure to explore Rome on your own.  Enjoy dinner at the hotel your first night in the "Eternal City."  (D)
Day 3: ROME (Papal Audience)
After breakfast, the group will attend one of the highlights of the trip, the Papal Audience (if available). In the afternoon, we visit the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. Continue with a visit of the Basilica of St. John Lateran and the Holy Stairs, and the Basilica of St. Mary Major. Dinner and overnight in Rome. (B,D)
Day 4: ROME
This morning, visit St. Peter's Basilica, the Vatican Garden, and the world famous Vatican Museums, featuring a visit to the Sistine Chapel. Balance of the day is at leisure. Dinner and overnight in Rome. (B,D)
Day 5: ROME
Today we will have a full day of touring. Visit to Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, one of the Seven Pilgrim Churches, which contains many relics brought back from the Holy Land by St. Helen, Constantine's mother. We will also stop for a brief visit of St. Lawrence, one of the Seven Pilgrims Churches and where St. Lawrence was grilled. Visit Il Gesu, Rome's largest  Jesuit Church. The tomb of St. Ignatius of Loyola is here, although his remains cannot be seen. Last stop is Santa Maria del Popolo, a Renaissance Church which contains Caravaggio's Martyrdom of St. Peter and The Conversion of St. Paul. In the Chigi Chapel, created by Raphael, are ceiling mosaics, as well as statues created by Bernini. Dinner and overnight in Rome. (B,D)
Day 6: ROME
In the morning enjoy a tour of Rome. Visit the Colosseum and the Church of San Clemente (with its layers of excavations underneath), and also see the Piazza Navona, one of Rome's great landmarks, the Trevi Fountain , the Pantheon, and the world famous Spanish Steps. Balance of the day is free. Dinner and overnight in Rome. (B,D)

Reservations call 787-688-6286

Assisi and The Vatican   

Depart after breakfast for Assisi, the town of St. Francis and St. Clare. In Assisi, visit the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Portiuncula Chapel, which houses the site of the beginning of the Franciscan order.  Dinner and overnight in Assisi. (B,D)
This morning, walking tour of Assisi. Visit the Basilica of St. Francis, with its artwork by Giotto, the Church of St. Clare, which to this day houses her incorrupt body. Balance of the day at leisure in Assisi. Dinner and overnight in Assisi. (B,D)
After breakfast, return to Rome. En route, stop in Orvieto to visit the cathedral, where in 1263 a Eucharistic Miracle took place. The famous Cathedral of Orvieto dates back to 1263 and was built to commemorate the "Miracle of Bolsena." It is alleged that a miracle came about because a priest questioned the presence of Jesus Christ in the Host. Upon this doubt, a host started to drip blood and the Feast of Corpus Christi was started. Continue to Rome. Balance of the day is at leisure in Rome. Farewell Dinner and overnight in Rome. (B,D)
Day 10: ROME / USA
After breakfast, depart for flight out of Rome Airport to USA. Arrive home the same day. (B)


  • Airfare: Roundtrip from Detroit / New York Airport
  • Accommodations: 10 days / 8 nights Superior Tourist Class Hotels (3 star hotels)
  • Meals: 8 Breakfasts & 8 Dinners.
  • Sightseeing: As indicated in the itinerary.
  • Also included: Daily Mass, Airport-hotel group transfers, city taxes, hotel tips & taxes, baggage handling at hotels (1 piece per person), Touring by Private Air-Conditioned Motorcoach, Services of a Professional Tour Escort.
*Price is per person based on double occupancy.
Travel Insurance is not included with this tour.
Travel Insurance is available upon request.
There are a limited number of single rooms available.
Single Supplement: $385.
Land Only Price (No airfare/airport-hotel transfers included): $2435.
Price is based on a minimum of 20 passengers.
**Price does NOT include tips to drivers and guides or any items not specified.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

South Dakota, The Black Hills & Badlands 2015

South Dakota, The Black Hills & Badlands
Departing: May 26, July 7, July 21, August 11, August 25, September 8, September 22 and October 6 - 2015
featuring Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse Memorial, Black Hills Gold, Needles Highway, Custer State Park, Chuckwagon Supper, Hot Springs, Badlands National Park, Wall Drug Store, Deadwood
7 Days, 9 Meals (6 Breakfasts * 3 Dinners)
Starting at: Double $1,499* LAND ONLY (Including Guide)
Air available from your home city!
Crazy Horse
Discover the spirit of the American West. Travel to the legendary Black Hills and see the American prairie as it was 300 years ago. Explore the legends of the city of Deadwood, home to Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane. Travel the backcountry of Custer State Park and along the impressive Needles Highway lined with famous granite spires. Visit magnificent Mt. Rushmore. See Crazy Horse Memorial, the world's largest sculpture still in progress. Journey through the natural beauty of Badlands National Park. Discover the fascinating history and stories of the gold rush in the town of Lead in 1875.
* rates are per person based on double occupancy.

Don't wait - book now!
SAVE $100 PER PERSON on bookings made between
 3/1/2015 and 3/31/2015 for travel between 3/1/2015 and 4/30/2016!
Offer is valid on new retail bookings only. Offer can expire early due to space or inventory availability. Space is on a first come, first served basis. Offer is not applicable for groups or existing bookings and may be withdrawn at any time.


Islands of New England
Departing: June 12, July 10, July 17, September 25 and October 25 - 2015
featuring Providence, Boston, Newport, Cranberry Bog, Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Plantation, Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Hyannis, Provincetown, Whale Watch or Sand Dunes, Lobster Dinner
8 Days, 11 Meals (7 Breakfasts * 1 Lunch * 3 Dinners)
Starting at: Double $1,849* LAND ONLY (Including Guide)
Air available from your home city!
New England's miles of sandy beaches, majestic coasts, and rolling surf invite relaxation. The Islands of New England tour spends eight days exploring New England's charms, from the cobblestone streets of Nantucket to a traditional cranberry bog. Step back in time at Plymouth Plantation to sample recipes from that time, learn some pilgrim etiquette and enjoy a thanksgiving fest to learn to Eat like a Pilgrim. The choice is yours - set out on a whale watch cruise or embark on a scenic adventure through the iconic sand dunes of the Cape. Visit Boston and Providence, the Gilded Age mansions of Newport, the lively artist colony of Provincetown, and the beautiful islands of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Complete your New England experience as you indulge in a traditional lobster feast.
Don't wait - book now!
SAVE $100 PER PERSON on bookings made between
 3/1/2015 and 3/31/2015 for travel between 3/1/2015 and 4/30/2016!
Offer is valid on new retail bookings only. Offer can expire early due to space or inventory availability. Space is on a first come, first served basis. Offer is not applicable for groups or existing bookings and may be withdrawn at any time.



The Colorado Rockies
Departing: June 5, June 19, July 10, July 18, August 14, August 28, September 11, September 19 - 2015
featuring National Parks and Historic Trains: Denver, Rocky Mountain National Park, Grand Junction, Arches National Park, Canyon lands National Park, Colorado National Monument, Durango & Silverton Railroad, Mesa Verde National Park, Pike's Peak Cog Railway, Garden of the Gods
9 Days, 12 Meals (8 Breakfasts * 4 Dinners)
Starting at: Double $2299 LAND ONLY (Including Guide)
Air available from your home city!
Colorado Rockies
Experience the majesty of the Colorado Rockies, four National Parks and two historic trains that celebrate the can-do spirit of the Old West. Marvel at the diversity and majesty of Arches and Canyon Lands National Parks. Scale Pike's Peak on the world's highest cog railway. Climb aboard an 1881 steam train for a journey through the San Juan Mountains. Discover the ancient culture of the Anasazi Indians at Mesa Verde National Park. Relish cowboy culture in an evening of authentic dining and entertainment.
USA - Canada Tours
Guaranteed Departures
Don't wait - book now!
SAVE $100 PER PERSON on bookings made between
 3/1/2015 and 3/31/2015 for travel between 3/1/2015 and 4/30/2016!
Offer is valid on new retail bookings only. Offer can expire early due to space or inventory availability. Space is on a first come, first served basis. Offer is not applicable for groups or existing bookings and may be withdrawn at any time.

America's Music Cities

America's Music Cities
Departing: September 13, September 27 and October 11 - 2015
featuring New Orleans, Memphis & Nashville: The French Quarter, New Orleans School of Cooking, Swamp Tour, Graceland, Grand Ole Opry Show & Backstage Tour, Historic RCA Studio B, Ryman Auditorium, Country Music Hall of Fame 
8 Days, 12 Meals (7 Breakfasts * 5 Dinners)
Starting at: Double $2199* LAND ONLY (Including Guide)
Air available from your home city!
American Music
Enjoy a finger-snapping, toe-tapping time on this tour of America's most famed musical cities. Visit New Orleans, Memphis and Nashville as you revel in the sounds of the blues, jazz, country, and good old rock 'n' roll. Experience America's most singular city in New Orleans, home to the French Quarter where the world's great jazz musicians reside. Spend two nights in Memphis, "birthplace of the blues," and tour Elvis Presley's Graceland. Enjoy reserved seats at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee and a backstage tour. Tour historic RCA Studio B and see where country legends recorded hit songs. A visit to the Country Music Hall of Fame is sure to have you humming long after you return home.
USA - Canada Tours
Guaranteed Departures


Don't wait - book now!
SAVE $100 PER PERSON on bookings made between
 3/1/2015 and 3/31/2015 for travel between 3/1/2015 and 4/30/2016!
Offer is valid on new retail bookings only. Offer can expire early due to space or inventory availability. Space is on a first come, first served basis. Offer is not applicable for groups or existing bookings and may be withdrawn at any time.

Canadian Rockies by Train

USA - Canada Tours
Guaranteed Departures

Canadian Rockies  by Train
Departing: May 30, June 20, June 29, July 4, September 26 and October 3 - 2015
featuring British Columbia, Vancouver, VIA Rail, Jasper, Columbia icefield, Lake Louise, Banff, Calgary
9 Days, 14 Meals (8 Breakfasts * 2 Lunches * 4 Dinners)
Starting at: Double $3,649* LAND ONLY (Including Guide)
Air available from your home city!
Canadian Rockies
From the lush green Pacific coast of Vancouver board VIA Rail's The Canadian for a once in a lifetime overnight train journey. Relax in the dome car and experience panoramic views of snow capped mountains, glacial lakes, rushing rivers and the sheer unspoiled wilderness of Canada. Arrive in Jasper and see the dramatic Maligne Canyon and its picture-perfect lake, where you enjoy breakfast with a view! Travel one of the world's most spectacular roads, the unforgettable Icefields Parkway. Feel like royalty while overnighting at the fabulous Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise and Banff Springs Hotel. Discover the natural beauty of Morainne Lake, the powerful Bow Falls and impressive Hoodoos. Experience a day on a Ranch in the Alberta plains, complete with a wagon ride in search of buffalo and a BBQ lunch in the great outdoors. End your journey in cosmopolitan Calgary.

Don't wait - book now!
SAVE $100 PER PERSON on bookings made between
 3/1/2015 and 3/31/2015 for travel between 3/1/2015 and 4/30/2016!
Offer is valid on new retail bookings only. Offer can expire early due to space or inventory availability. Space is on a first come, first served basis. Offer is not applicable for groups or existing bookings and may be withdrawn at any time.


lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

Discover Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria

Vacations for Catholics
Discover Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria
June 24 - July 3, 2015 
Day 1
Tour Begins
Travel to Austria to begin your tour of Austria, Bavaria and Switzerland featuring four-night stays in two cities. 

Day 2
Innsbruck, Austria
Innsbruck, the "Capital of the Tyrol", a quaint medieval city nestled in a valley surrounded by the imposing backdrop of the lovely Austrian Alps. Tonight, you are trated to a welcome dinner in one of Innsbruck's traditional local restaurants.

Day 3
This morning ou have the choice of one of two leisurely walking tours: join a local guide as you discover the city's history, culture and popular attractions including Maria Theresien Strasse, the Hofburg, and the "Golden Roof;" or you may embark on a tour focusing on Innsbruck's unique architectural structures including its famous ski jump. The remainder of you day is at leisure. Perhaps you will join an optonal excursion outside the city.

Day 4
Innsbruck - Salzburg - Innsbruck
Travel through the picturesque Austrian countryside to Salzburg. Upon arrival, enjoy a leisurely paced walking tour featuring Mirabell Gardens (seen in the "Sound of Music"); the quaint Getreidegasse (site of Mozart's birthplace); and many other highlights of this beautiful city. The afternoon is at leisure to explore and enjoy Salzburg's fabulous sights. The day concludes with a delightful dinner at the 1,200-year-old St. Peter's Restaurant, the oldest in Austria and still owned by the Monks.

Day 5

Innsbruck - Bavaria, Germany - Oberammergau - Innsbruck
Today fairy tales come to life with a picture stop at Bavaria's most famous Castle, Neuschwanstein. Next, visit Wies Church, proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage site, before proceeding to Oberammergau. Enjoy a brief orientations tour of this picturesque village which is famous for the internationally-known Passion Play, performed only every ten years to fulfill a pledge made by the villagers to God for sparing their city from the ravages of bubonic plague in 1633. Later, experience the rich musical tradition of mountainous Austria during a Tyrolean folklore show.
Day 6
Innsbruck - Bern, Switzerland
En route to Bern you will travel through Liechtenstein, the smallest and richest German-speaking country in the world and the only country to lie entirely within the Alps. Upon arrival into Bern you will have free time to explore old town from your centrally located hotel. This evening's dinner is included at one of Bern's great restaurants.

Day 7
Explore delightful Bern on a panoramic sightseeing tour featuring the Bundeshaus (the Swiss Parliament), the famous Bear Pit, the Rose Gardens, and the gothic cathedral which dominates the old town skyline. Your visit to the Bear Pit will answer the question as to why bears are so revered in this enchanting city. Along the way, your Tour Manager will introduce you to both the language and culture of the region. The remainder of the day is at leisure to explore charming Bern independently or ride the fastest funicular in Switzerland to the top of "Bern's mountain."

Day 8
Bern - Chateau de Chillon - Montreux - Train Ride
Travel the shores of Lake Geneva to the legendary, medieval Chateau de Chillon. This princely residence faces the lake but puts forth the image of an imposing fortress from the mountains. Later, enjoy breathtaking Alpine views with a ride on the Golden Pass Panoramic Train from Montreux to Gstaad. Discover the delightful ambience of this world-famous Alpine ski resort with its numerous traditional wood chalets.

Day 9
Bern - Lucerne - Bern
Travel to Lucerne, the "Swiss Paradise on the Lake." Enjoy a leisurely paced Alstadt (Old Town) waling tour, exploring the hidden treasures of the city. Lucerne has more than 800 years of history. Explore such medieval treasures as the covered Chapel Bridge (1833); the famous Water Tower which has served as a prison, watchtower and treasury; the Renaissance-style Town Hall; the baroque Jesuit Church; and the Lion Monument, carved from natural rock to commemorate the heroic Swiss Guard. This evening, join your fellow travelers for a farewell dinner featuring local cuisine such as traditional cheese fondue.

Day 10
Bern - Tour Ends
Your tour ends today in Bern, but the memories will stay with you forever.

Double $2,199*
Single $2,499*
(AIR Available from your Home City - Please CALL!)

Not included in price: Cancellation Waiver or Insurance
* All Rates are Per Person and are subject to change

NOTE: Your price is subject to increase prior to the time you make full payment. Your price is not subject to increase after you make full payment, except for charges resulting from increases in government-imposed taxes or fees.
TOLL FREE @ 787-688-6286
Janice Rivera